Open Console — Hierarchy in the website structure

Under construction

        has Identities   (owner etc)
        has Websites

        has AccessRights
        has PreferedURL
        has AliasURLs    (maybe in different Domains)
        has SubWebsites
        has Networks

        has AccessRights
        has RootURL with filter
        has ConfigModules
        has SubWebsites
        has ChangeNotifications

   Network (Hosting ISP)
        has AccessRights
        has ConfigModules

   ConfigModule Meta
        has Language
        has Keywords/Description/

   ConfigModule Crawl
        has Schedule
        has Sitemaps
        has Crawl Permissions (robots.txt)

Which configuration module you can use depends on your access rights. For instance, the ISP may require read rights on the website's crawler schedule.

Implementation !!Under construction!!